Saturday, November 22, 2003

I doubt that I will ever ever be able to get rid of the bad habit of procrastinating. Can someone out there please tell me how to effectively stop procrastinating?

I'm at work right now, sitting at the reg desk listening to how the big game is going. 21:10 right now. We're so kicking their butts! Too bad i can't be there to actually see it. The Big Game actually has a much deeper meaning to me personally than merely a football rivary with Standford.

Thursday, November 20, 2003

There are only about 2 weeks of instructions left, times flies by so quickly. That means I'll be graduating in less than a month and won't never have to write another paper again. Well, maybe not never. I really can't wait, and I can't wait to go to Taiwan again in January. Yum, all the cheap and good food, great shopping, and I can finally get a much, much better haircut!!!

I haven't really studied in the library this semester, and not once in the cursed Heller Lounge. Should I be proud of myself or cry because I haven't really stuided hard at all? I'd like to think of it as a good thing. But, then again, I'm missing out on all the fun and late nite snacks I could've had with my library pals. Nay, who needs the extra pounds, besides, i have been getting my late night snacks back in my own little cozzy apartment. Hum...maybe i should hit the library again once finals come around, just to live through the horror of finals one last time. I mean, this could really be the very last time ever.

Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Ha ha ha, I'm actually posting again with the same week. Is this amazing or what? Yeah, right. I wonder how long i'll keep it up this time.

I went to this sporty clothing store on Shattuck called The Spot for the first time tonight. I've always wanted to go in there, and good thing I did. But, bad thing i spent my cash. After 20 minutes of looking around and trying on 3 different tops and 3 different pairs of shoes, i finally bought a pair of blue and red sneakers from Vans. They are irresistibly cute, and most important of all, they were only $17! Is that a fantastic deal or what? Brand new Vans sneakers for only $17! Alright, alright, i know i'm just using that as a lame excuse to buy more stuff. But this wasn't the best part, or shall i say the worst part since i ended up buying more stuff than expected or should have....

I went to Ross. (Actually, that was where I was going to go, but I saw The Spot on the way over so I just had to go in. Bad, bad, Amy!) I tried on some bright red work-out pants, but none of them were worth buying coz they were too body-hugging and made my butt look monstrous. I really don't like clothes that are too tight, unless they are tight at the right spots and can show off my curves. Haha, yeah, right. Like i have any curves. It's more like excess fat. Neway, back to the point I was trying to get at...right when I was about to leave, i stopped by the bags section. Boy, was that a terrible thing to do. I ended up buying 2, not just 1, but 2 bags. Ma ma mia! What have i done? With slight more than a month left until i move all my stuff back home, i was supposed to be selling most of my stuff or give them up for donations. Acquiring more junk really wasn't a bright idea. Rats! Hum....maybe i'll just give them away as Christmas or birthday presents. Yeah, that's it, wishful thinking, wishful thinking...

**On a side note, i feel like this blog has somehow turned into my obsessive shopping journal. gosh, what i have done?

Sunday, November 16, 2003

I don't know why I still bother keeping this blog since I obviously don't ever use it. lazy me.

Well, I thought I would post tonight for a couple of reasons. One, so that my friends, especially those I don't see often, can know more about what's going on in my uneventful but bizarre life. Two, I just have some emotional stuff that I think is worth writing about.

This semester is probably the most inactive one out of all three years i've spent here. But I have legitimate reasons, will, sorta:
1. Some of my very good friends are gone.
2. I work a lot and have too many frigging classes.
3. I barely get enough sleep from #2 so never mind socializing.
4. I feel frigging old. I'm 21 and will be 22 in less than a month. Put it another way, i'm older than most people on campus, except for the faculties and GSIs.
5. Coz of #4, I don't feel the need to socialize, especially with the jumpy and annoying lower classmen/women.
6. I have no love life. No guy, no crushes, no "real" potentials. Only guy pals.
7. I need to save money since I already owe hella money to cover my frigging outta-state tuition.
8. I don't feel like meeting new people coz I currently have low self-confidence and would hate for new people to see me like that
9. Coz of #8, I feel i'm a bad person, not to mention currently very unattractive, I feel that nobody wants to get to know me anyways.
10. I just got the worst haircut and dye of the century, which adds up to the unattractiveness. God, I HATE MY HAIRCUT!!!! can it possibly get any uglier? I think not.

I just had a long chat with Vinci. Through our deep talk, I realized that we actually know each other pretty well, perhaps even better than we think we did. Sometimes, being thousands of miles away from a good friend who you can talk to about anything is a good thing, coz then you can tell her even more stuff and not have to see the is-that-wut-you-really-think?wow-I-didn't-know-you-are-so-weird look on her face. haha....this is great.