Thursday, May 29, 2003

it's been 2 days already since i last wrote? hmm, just like i said in the beginning, keeping a daily journal really isn't my thing. nevertheless, i'll keep on trying.

i had an open house for my new apt yesterday. More people showed up than I anticipated. I think the manager (and i forgot her name again, darn it) and the current tenant were kinda annoyed by me and my "crowd." I feel bad. Oh, well. Out of the 6 or 7 people who showed up, i like Eunice (wut a unique name, isn't it? but it sounds kinda like uteris tho. hehe...i know, me and my dirty mind...), Ted, and Jennifer. Even tho Ted is a guy, he seems pretty neat and responsible. I kinda want to pick Ted just becuase I wonder what it'd be like to live with a guy. Jennifer seems like a good fit too. She works at that very cute but expensive candy store on Bancroft called "Sweet On You." I love that store, but like i said, it's too god damn expensive.

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

yes, i finally have a place to live now. the only thing that bothers me about it is that it's near people's park. =( aiya....i hope i won't get mugged again.

I really don't wanna move actually, especially when I only have 1 more semester to go. Why? Why? Why me? I have to spend $$ renting a Uhaul, asking favors from my friends to help me move, pack like crazy and then unpack like crazy. It's so much trouble, not to mention that I have to disassemble and then reassemble my stupid IKEA bunkbed. arggg, i can just see that it's gonna be such a hassle and take forever to do. actually, comes to think of it, I'm not even sure if the bunkbed can be disassembled now that it is assembled. ooo......=(

on a random note, people in my building party everyday, and very loudly too. I'm aware that skool is over, but can't they control themselves a bit? i mean, come on, people! it's just a summer break, it's like every other summer breaks. I can't stand inconsiderate people.

Monday, May 26, 2003

arggggg........i'm so stressed out about housing now. I have only about 5 more days to look for a place to live. i'm so stressed out! wut the hell am i gonna do if i dun find anything before saturday? I do not wanna be sleeping on the streets!