Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My dog Boss and her weird sleeping habits

Chewing on my pillow again? Gotcha, there's even a piece of evidence still stuck on your mouth, silly!
Now Boss has just gone wilde tearing it apart
Look what you have done!
Now you are tired
Yup, ladies and gentemen, that's how I sleep!
Are you looking at me?
Nope, not playing dead, just sleeping.
Hey, quit taking my pictures when I sleep!

Remembering Great America

I love Scoopy Doo!
I love Merry Go Around too! Aww.....look, it's Albert and his buddy Furball on his back. Isn't that sweet!
I actually went home with a smaller Sponge Bob that day.

I really don't like me sometimes

It's Tuesday and they haven't called me back, I'm worried. Was I over confident about my interview? Could it be because I did terrible on the vocab test? But, how was I suppose to know legal terms without prior experence in the field? This does not look good, they should have called back by now at the latest. Early in the week would mean sometime by Tuesday, right? Oo....this does not look good.

I don't like searching for jobs, espeically when I have to revise my resume and cover letter each time I apply to a new company. It's so time consuming, why can' t they just all use the same thing, dang it! I know, I know that jobs don't come easy and that I'm just being lazy and unmotivated. I know that I need to start doing things instead of waiting for things to just happen. Shoot, why am I always like this? I really like being like this. I hate being so unmotivated and procrastinate all the time. Are these bad qualities part of my genes or what? Why can't i ever get rid of them?

Stupid me, I think i might have accidentally deleted all of the games on my computer when I tried to uninstall the hella annoying Windows Messenger. Why was it on there to begin with? I certainly didn't put it on there, and the thought that store people put it on there way before I bought my computer irrataes me a lot. I rather believe that it came with Windows XP so I can feel less iritated. Why am I so irritatable sometimes? Is it just because I'm a woman and that's just the kind of things a woman would do? Or is it just me? Arrg....I don't like computers, they're too complicated. How is an average girl like me suppose to understand how to uninstall things that aren't that obviuosly labled? Technology is sometimes a real pain in the butt. I can handle Microwaves and DVD players and most digital cameras, as matter of fact, I like playing with them. Those are tehcnologies I can actually understand and utilize all of its functions without accidentally deleting things. Why did men ever create computers to make people's lives more complicated and tiring?