Monday, December 01, 2003

woohoo....I finished one paper this morning. One down, 3 more to go.

Today has been surprisingly eventful:
* Hubert called from Taiwan, too bad i missed his call.
* Found out that my first final on Friday is gonna be hella easy. Heck, i wrote my term paper on it. If Amy can't do it, nobody can.
* Finally took one of my jackets to the dry cleaners. Dang, it's about time i get it cleaned...before any signs of fungus start to invade one of my favorite jackets.
* Finished one of the papers at 7:20am! Yeah, i just feel like restating it again to make myself proud.
*Had an (humm....wut should i call it? Interesting? Surprising? Weird?) unexpected chat about some very unexpected topics with Danny after work. After all this time, what exactly is on his mind? I'm so confused. Wutever, I'm at the point where nothing really matters any more. It's too late for anything at this point anyways.
*Cried a few times over some stupid Chinese soaps, which is very uncharacteristic of me. I don't know what's gotten over me these days. It's like I've become Joy all of a sudden. oh, no.......

Another Thanksgiving spent alone with no turkeys in sight. (oh, wait, I did go home for Thanksgiving last year, but anyway....)

Like all other breaks I get, I procrastinated. Aiya, old (and bad) habits die hard. I wasted almost 4 whole days doing nothing productive. I mainly slept a lot and watched lots of useless TV when I was awake. Oh, and i went to my favorite store, Ross, twice. I know it's nothing to be proud of, but at least i got outta my apt.

I have to start packing my stuff pretty soon. Man, that's gonna be a BIG task. Probably harder than my finals. Just thinking about all the stuff i can see in my room gives me a major headache, not to mention all the other stuff that i can't see at the moment (ie. the closet, kitchen, bathroom). Oh, no........dang it, i hate moving.