Thursday, November 20, 2003

There are only about 2 weeks of instructions left, times flies by so quickly. That means I'll be graduating in less than a month and won't never have to write another paper again. Well, maybe not never. I really can't wait, and I can't wait to go to Taiwan again in January. Yum, all the cheap and good food, great shopping, and I can finally get a much, much better haircut!!!

I haven't really studied in the library this semester, and not once in the cursed Heller Lounge. Should I be proud of myself or cry because I haven't really stuided hard at all? I'd like to think of it as a good thing. But, then again, I'm missing out on all the fun and late nite snacks I could've had with my library pals. Nay, who needs the extra pounds, besides, i have been getting my late night snacks back in my own little cozzy apartment. Hum...maybe i should hit the library again once finals come around, just to live through the horror of finals one last time. I mean, this could really be the very last time ever.


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