Sunday, September 17, 2006

Got job?

I am hired! I finally got a job, wait, make that plural, two jobs. One full-time working as a Tactical Marketing Specialist for Cypress Semiconductor in Silicon Valley and another part-time as a store's Sales Associate for Agnes B in Union Square SF. I also went to an interview at Louise Vuitton, which I think went pretty well. But ironically, I didn't feel as excited as I should have felt when Justin called me at Macy's women's lounge to give me the offer. Perhaps I've been too used to being a jobless loser for the past five months that I actually thought it would never come to an end. I've been so used to my daily routine of job hunting, which goes something like, eat breakfast and lunch at home, check emails at the library, send out ass-kissing thank you emails and responses, which most employers don't even care to read, make solicitating calls to potential employers and annoy the heck out of them, go to interviews if I had any and say more ass-kissing things about their company, and wait for hopeless responses afterwards. Even though all of that sound boring and unpleasant, but I am amazed at how much I am attached to that life now that I don't have to do so much of that, I actually don't know what to do with my time. Oh, and one more thing, I've been so used to formal business writing and spelling out every single apostrophe, like "I am" instead of "I'm" and "do not" instead of "don't", it's almost hard for me to write like normal people any more now that my job search is over. I have to force myself to conjunct just writing this journal entry.

Tai hasn't called in about a month. I finally took the initialtive to call his house number last night and his mom told me that he's now in China and will return home on Wednesday. I can't deny so much now that I actually do care and miss him.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Chinatown here I come

Because I'm a good daughter who listens well to her mom, I'm taking her advice on visiting this "very" distant relative of mine who owns an electronic translator store in Chinatown. When I say a distant relative, I really do mean distant. They are my fifth great aunt's younger brother and his wife. My great uncle and aunt are my mom's father's fifth youngest brother and sister-in-law, hence my fifth "great" uncle and aunt, which means I have a lot more great uncles and aunts since they are the fifth down the list. My great uncle and aunt are actually staying in Chicago with their second son, who is my mom's cousin and hence my uncle, and his family for the summer. My mom thinks it's a good idea to get in touch with my great aunt's relatives because she thinks they may be able to help me locate a job or a place to live for a while. Alright, enough explaining about my family tree, I need to get ready to pay a good visit to my distant kins.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Sorry or not?

An entire week has passed since Jen and I last talked. I took others' advice and tried to calm down and sleep on it. It didn't work. I'm much calmer now, that's only if I don't think about it. I don't think I'm ready to talk, apologize or do anything at all. Not only does it still disturb me to think about her Christianity, I'm beginning to think about my other friends' religious affiliations as well, JJ's Buddhism, Anh's Catholicism, Mu Jin's Christianity, Alice's Christianity and many others. Why should men let religion influence their lives so much? What's so great about religion? Why do people need it? Why do people need it and I don't? How am I different from them that I can't see the need for it?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My dog Boss and her weird sleeping habits

Chewing on my pillow again? Gotcha, there's even a piece of evidence still stuck on your mouth, silly!
Now Boss has just gone wilde tearing it apart
Look what you have done!
Now you are tired
Yup, ladies and gentemen, that's how I sleep!
Are you looking at me?
Nope, not playing dead, just sleeping.
Hey, quit taking my pictures when I sleep!

Remembering Great America

I love Scoopy Doo!
I love Merry Go Around too! Aww.....look, it's Albert and his buddy Furball on his back. Isn't that sweet!
I actually went home with a smaller Sponge Bob that day.

I really don't like me sometimes

It's Tuesday and they haven't called me back, I'm worried. Was I over confident about my interview? Could it be because I did terrible on the vocab test? But, how was I suppose to know legal terms without prior experence in the field? This does not look good, they should have called back by now at the latest. Early in the week would mean sometime by Tuesday, right? Oo....this does not look good.

I don't like searching for jobs, espeically when I have to revise my resume and cover letter each time I apply to a new company. It's so time consuming, why can' t they just all use the same thing, dang it! I know, I know that jobs don't come easy and that I'm just being lazy and unmotivated. I know that I need to start doing things instead of waiting for things to just happen. Shoot, why am I always like this? I really like being like this. I hate being so unmotivated and procrastinate all the time. Are these bad qualities part of my genes or what? Why can't i ever get rid of them?

Stupid me, I think i might have accidentally deleted all of the games on my computer when I tried to uninstall the hella annoying Windows Messenger. Why was it on there to begin with? I certainly didn't put it on there, and the thought that store people put it on there way before I bought my computer irrataes me a lot. I rather believe that it came with Windows XP so I can feel less iritated. Why am I so irritatable sometimes? Is it just because I'm a woman and that's just the kind of things a woman would do? Or is it just me? Arrg....I don't like computers, they're too complicated. How is an average girl like me suppose to understand how to uninstall things that aren't that obviuosly labled? Technology is sometimes a real pain in the butt. I can handle Microwaves and DVD players and most digital cameras, as matter of fact, I like playing with them. Those are tehcnologies I can actually understand and utilize all of its functions without accidentally deleting things. Why did men ever create computers to make people's lives more complicated and tiring?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

More pix...

Karaoke party of six, the boys. (Jan 06)

The gals

So pretty at night!(01/01/06)

and it's done!

and going.... (and yes, i took these pix w/my little Cannon. wahahaha, i'm good!)

Yahhh, New Year's fireworks are going! (12/31/05)

Finally, there's wireless internet...

Woooohoooo! The wireless DSL is finally up and running in my apt tonight. All thanks to my delicated roommate Stephanie, who spent about 3 hours on the phone yelling at the friend, who gave her our wirelss router but forgot to let us in on its password, and another hour after that applogizing like mad after we finally figured out that all we lacked was the password. Hahaha.....the stupid things we do in life.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

For those who missed out on the past half year

Two thumbs up! Taipei Underground History Museum (Apr 06)

Farewell lunch with gals from MediaCom. Goodbye, girls! (Mar 06)

Clubbing at Plush with Ms Tina, who still remembered to pose while on the phone. Posing just comes natural for Asian girls! (last day at Mediacom 3/31/06)

My sweet 18th birthday! Hahaha, not! (12/9/06)

Yummy Korean hot pot w/Erica (Feb 06)

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why can't I be Miss Sex and The City?

A week has passed after the incident and I'm feeling so much better now. I almost don't think about it any more, except when I watched one stupid kissing scene from "Fun with Dick and Jane." A friend (Erica I think) once asked me, why do people like to kiss others on their mouth? At the time I replied with something like, 'because that's the only opening we have (other than the less appropreiate one) to play with the other person." However, now I think about it, it's actually a good and interesting question. Why do we like too kiss on the mouth? Why don't we lock our hair together or something? What is it about the mouth that we find desirable and romantic? Is it because it's moistured all the time? There's something about the tongue too. Why do we like to play with it so much and why does it feel good to be touched by the tongue? Because it's wet and.......slimy? That can't be it. But why though? When we kiss, we feel physically connected and intimately involved with that other person. We enjoy the moments of sucking other's lips and having our tongues tangled. Why is that though? What's so great about being wet, slimy, sucked and tangled? It's supposed to feel good, but why?