Saturday, May 10, 2003

okay, so i guess I'm finally in the pls-feel-free-to-read-my-mind-anytime club. Jen, aren't you proud of me? I gotta say, tho, i dunno how long i can keep on posting. so, i guess i'm just trying to say that dun be surprised if i just stopped writing all of a sudden.

mei, sora and i went to safeway tonite. we didn't buy that much tho. i only went b/c i felt like walking around since i was so full from dinner. I did, however, bought a huge watermelon. At first, i didn't know how to pick them, so i called my mom (i love having a cell phone). she told me to press down on one end of the watermelon, and if it's hard then it's the one. she also said not to pick the ones that are too green b/c that means they aren't ripe enough. i hope she's right.

wow, it's 1:36am already. i dun think i'll be able to get anything done tonite. aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........nooooooooooooo.............


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